Due to their ability to tolerate a range of conditions, and a little bit of neglect, Anthurium Crystallinum is one of the easiest Anthuriums to care for, making them great for beginners who are looking for a stunning plant.
Crystallinum is native to Central America rainforests, therefore they thrive the most with 70-80% humidity, moderate sunlight, and a moist soil medium. Monthly fertilizer can further enhance growth and encourage flowering. However, Crystallinums will still do well in humidity as low as 50% and lower light conditions; just expect them to grow slower.
The name Crystallinum refers to the gem-like glisten that can be seen on the leaves in bright light. The heart shaped leaves of Anthurium Crystallinum have a silvery-white pattern with a silvery velvety sheen. The front part of the leaves is oval-shaped while the inner side is coppery-colored. New leaves can emerge from a brown to bright-red color, which hardens off to a stunning dark green with silver venation.